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The Classroom Management Course
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A Preface from Dave Stuart Jr. (3:17)
Hi, I'm Lynsay Fabio: Why the Classroom Management Course Exists (6:50)
How to Make the Most of This Course (Don't Skip This!) (5:07)
Module 1 -- Plan: Rules, Consequences, Teaching, Enforcing
1.1 Rules (2:24)
1.2 Consequences (4:27)
1.3 How to Teach the Rules and Consequences (1:04)
*How to Practice Teaching the Rules and Consequences* (11:11)
1.4 How to Enforce the Rules and Consequences (4:05)
Module 2 -- Moves, Pt 1: Teacher Moves that Prevent Misbehavior
2.1 Why Practice Teacher Moves? (1:14)
2.2 Authoritative Presence (4:30)
2.3 Threshhold (3:18)
2.4 Assigning Seats (2:53)
2.5 Radar (1:55)
2.6 Clear Directions (2:11)
2.7 Narrate Compliance (1:52)
2.8 Plan Reminders (1:53)
Module 3 -- Moves, Pt 2: Teacher Moves to Correct Misbehavior
3.1 Intro (0:53)
3.2 Give a Consequence (1:54)
3.3 Blank I Need Blank (3:09)
3.4 Proximity (1:33)
3.5 Stop and Stare (1:39)
3.6 Non-verbals (1:29)
3.7 One More Time (3:14)
3.8 Putting a Few Moves Together: Canter's Behavior Management Cycle (1:59)
Module 4 -- Procedures: Creating and Reinforcing High Leverage Habits for Your Classroom Operating System
4.1 Intro (5:06)
4.2 Entering Class (2:46)
4.3 Come to Attention (3:08)
4.4 Distributing Laptops (2:58)
4.5 Turn and Talk (or "Think-Pair-Share") (4:14)
4.6 Mini-Lesson (2:12)
4.7 Independent Practice (2:10)
4.8 End of Class Procedures (3:16)
4.9 To Infinity and Beyond... Or Not (1:33)
Module 5 -- Warmth: Constancy, Awe, Relationships, and Excellence (w/ Dave Stuart Jr.)
5.1 An Introduction to Warmth (5:10)
5.2 Constancy (8:25)
5.3 Awe (5:41)
5.4 Relationships (8:26)
5.5 Excellence (4:22)
Moving Ahead
A Final Word from Lynsay (2:01)
Exit Survey + Certificate
2.4 Assigning Seats
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