The Value Belief Mini-Course
Practical Strategies to Help Students See the Worth of Learning
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The Pressing Question
Ours is a world filled with unprecedented amounts of entertainment, individualization, and instant gratification -- all of which can overshadow the timeless goodness of learning and growth. For many secondary students, school feels like a chore—uninteresting, irrelevant, even soul-draining.
I'm not being pessimistic here -- them's just the facts.
Folks who are committed to working in education, then, are faced with a daunting question: How do we help students to genuinely value the work of learning and its delicious, powerful fruits—especially when everything else in their world seems more important, interesting, or fun?
The Core Problem
When students don’t Value what they’re learning, they're basically the Tin Man: prone to rust and inaction, and even when they're moving it lacks heart and power. (And it's not just students who suffer when Value is missing; just watch your colleagues' demeanors at the next PD that's perceived as Value-less.)
What I'm describing is a human problem -- and us human teachers can get real disheartened, frustrated, and exhausted when we encounter Value's absence in the hearts of our students.
It's lose-lose-lose. Our students suffer. We suffer. And families do, too.
It's pain all around.
The Human Solution
In the Value Belief Mini-Course, you’ll discover a practical, evidence-informed set of tools that help students see why the work of learning matters. By the end, you’ll feel clearer, calmer, and more confident in creating a classroom culture where learning is seen as genuinely worthwhile—not just a means to an end.
And as you put these things into practice, just remember: I'll be doing the same in my classroom, too.
Teaching right beside you,
Taught by a teacher who's researched and tested these ideas for years.
Dave Stuart Jr. is a teacher and writer based in Cedar Springs, MI. His work (newsletter, videos, workshops) reaches a professional learning community of over 50,000 educators worldwide every month.
- Teacher and Author: He teaches real rosters in a real high school classroom, every day. This is where Dave puts to the test the Five Key Beliefs methodology for student motivation.
- Practical Researcher: Dave’s ideas aren’t just theories—they’re tested in actual classrooms and shaped by robust evidence.
- Authentic, Down-to-Earth Style: Expect humor, humility, and plenty of real-world examples from his own classes and those of teachers he admires.
Dave believes that when students truly see the worth of learning, everything changes—classroom climate, academic outcomes, and yes, teacher morale, too.
A 10-Lesson Roadmap from “Meh” to “Yeah!”
Here’s a quick look at the journey we’ll take together:
Lesson 01 – Confronting the Brutal Facts
- Understand the cultural headwinds your students face—and why it’s crucial we acknowledge them first.
Lesson 02 – Stoking the Stable Faith
- Reignite your own conviction about why learning is inherently good.
Lesson 03 – The Rainbow of Why
- Explore the many angles (usefulness, justice, novelty, etc.) that help students connect with your subject.
Lesson 04 – Teacher-Generated Value (Mini Sermons)
- Master the 30–90-second “mini sermon” to spark immediate buy-in from your students.
Lesson 05 – Student-Generated Value (T-Chart Intervention)
- Guide students to themselves identify how class content intersects with their goals.
Lesson 06 – Variation on Utility-Value Interventions
- Discover alternatives to the T-chart: “Why” conversations, “mathy moments,” and more.
Lesson 07 – Creating a ‘Feast of Knowledge’
- Design knowledge-rich experiences that show students the intellectual riches waiting for them.
Lesson 08 – Defining a Counterculture
- Learn how to cultivate a shared purpose and environment that elevates learning above shallow entertainment.
Lesson 09 – Liking Your Students More
- Strategies for genuinely valuing even your toughest kids (and how that boosts their own value belief).
Lesson 10 – Charting the Future
- Tie it all together: pinpoint one or two key practices to adopt immediately for lasting impact.
Each lesson is short (~10 minutes or less) and designed for busy educators. Watch a video, reflect with prompts, and apply the ideas in real time.
What's in the Course?
PreviewIntentionally Brief, Practical, and Timeless (2:33)
PreviewThree Reasons to Care about Student Motivation (5:19)
PreviewThe Five Key Beliefs and How Value Fits In (4:28)
PreviewTwo Ways to Use This Course (Individual vs. Group Licenses) (7:14)
StartLesson 1: Face the Brutal Facts (8:16)
StartLesson 2: Stoke the Stable Faith (6:18)
StartLesson 3: the Rainbow of Why (7:40)
StartLesson 4: Mini-Sermons from an Apologist Winsome & Sure (10:02)
StartLesson 5: The Utility-Value T-Chart (Our Exemplar Valued-Within Exercise) (10:13)
StartLesson 6: Valued Within Exercises: Smart Riffs on the T-Chart Intervention (5:31)
StartLesson 7: Feast of Knowledge (8:26)
StartLesson 8: Define Your Counter-Culture (8:52)
StartLesson 9: It Really Helps If We Like Them (8:30)
StartLesson 10: What's Next For YOU? (7:55)
StartEnd-of-Course Survey
"I LOVED the Signal Booster course so much. Small simple changes that feel completely possible. :)"
- Barb Hale, ELA and social studies teacher, Orting, WA