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SMC - Spring 2018
Getting Started
Intake Survey and Course Logistics (5:46)
Tips for Making the Most of the Video Lessons
Doing the Course Right
Q&A Conversations w/ Dave (Note: Each Q&A allows participants to ask as many questions as they would
To Access the Q&As, Sign Up Here
Module 1: Foundations
1.1: The "So What" of Student Motivation (3:53)
1.2: The Five Key Beliefs Underlying Student Motivation (7:25)
1.3: Getting Practical: The Magic Wand Thought Experiment (5:46)
1.4: Interventional Approaches to Belief Cultivation (4:56)
1.5: Contextual Approaches to Belief Cultivation (4:47)
1.6: What the Beliefs Are and Aren't (7:41)
1.7: 10 Ways to Stay Motivated as You Work on Student Motivation (7:09)
Module 2: Credibility
2.1: The Power and the Problems of Teacher Credibility (8:08)
2.2: An Interventional Approach to Establishing Care: Moments of Genuine Connection (6:05)
2.3: An Interventional Approach to Care: Positive, Productive Parent Phone Call (7:49)
2.4: 13 Ways to Build a Caring Context (6:21)
2.5: The Unique Power of Offensive Teacher (Mis)Behaviors (9:09)
2.6: A Manageable "Buckets" Approach to Improving Competence (5:23)
2.7: Competence-harming misbehaviors (7:19)
2.8: Strebe's Three Loves + an Intervention for Cultivating Passion in All Circumstances (6:51)
2.9: Condensing Credibility into 1 Top Takeaway (2:22)
Module 3: Belonging
3.1. The Two Questions of Belonging (4:20)
3.2: The Difficulties of Belonging and the Power of Attributional Retraining (8:52)
3.3: Applying the Attributional Retraining Intervention to Our Own Settings (10:14)
3.4: Valued, Known, Respected - Contextual Approaches to Belonging + Magic Feedback Intervention (6:09)
3.5: Behold the Power of Identity (8:46)
Module 4: Effort
4.1: What's the Big Deal with Effort? (4:50)
4.2: "False Growth Mindset" and Other Misapplications of Carol Dweck's Work (9:42)
4.3: Beyond Brute Force: The Critical Role of Learning Strategies (5:52)
4.Bonus.A: Responding Well to Failure (8:03)
4.Bonus.B: A Post-Unit Reflective Exercise that Helps Cement the Effort Belief (4:14)
4.4: Analyzing an Intervention that Helps Cement the Effort Belief (6:22)
Module 5: Efficacy
5.1: Efficacy and Its Origins According to Bandura (8:02)
5.2: Defining Success Wisely: Grade-Mongering, Life Launchpads, John Wooden, and the Locus of Control (6:51)
5.3: WOOPing Our Way to Success (10:02)
5.4: Building Connections to Improve Efficacy (6:31)
5.Bonus.A The Power of Appropriate Challenge (5:22)
Module 6: Value
6.1: When Will I Ever Use This? (6:32)
6.2: Exploring Student-Generated Utility Value (5:40)
6.3: Three Kinds of Values: Self-oriented, Extrinsic, and Self-Transcendent (7:54)
6.4: Intervention: Instilling a Self-Transcendent Purpose for Learning (6:57)
6.Bonus.A: "This is boring." (8:27)
One Step at a Time
7.1: My Last Two Wishes For You (Plus a Preview of Your Last Two Assignments) (9:18)
7.2: What's Your Top Takeaway from SMC? (2:37)
Friday, Pt 1 - 7.3: Better Together (6:20)
Friday, Pt 2 - Last But Not Least: Complete this Exit Survey to Officially Complete the Course!
Bonus! (Because I Couldn't Fit it All)
A Beta Survey for Measuring the Beliefs in Students (5:25)
5.2: Defining Success Wisely: Grade-Mongering, Life Launchpads, John Wooden, and the Locus of Control
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